Meet yourself, your team, and your organisation where they are at and watch the magic unfold.
Belbin Team Roles
- For Teams
Belbin Team Roles are used to identify behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. Whether developing people, resolving conflict or fine-tuning high performance, Belbin provides the language to ensure individuals and teams work together with greater understanding.
Team Psychological Safety
- For Teams and Organisations
Based on the research conducted by Professor Amy Edmondson at Harvard Business School and Dr. Peter Cauwelier, the Team Psychological Safety assessment highlights which of the 7 elements that make up team psychological safety are team strengths and where the largest opportunities for improvement are.
Eight Patterns of Open Business Agility™
- For the Organisation
Open patterns improve employee engagement scores and results. Employee engagement is where lasting enterprise-level improvement really comes from. The Eight Patterns of Open Business Agility™ help make this happen, and are the tools for the most progressive and aware enterprises.